The 2024 Paradigm B2B Combine
The purpose of the Paradigm B2B Combine is to identify explicitly where individual eCommerce solutions are strong vs. weak. Andy Hoar puts the eCommerce platform vendors through the paces so that you, B2B technology buyers, can make well-informed decisions without having to spend months of time executing your own research.
The full results from the 2024 Paradigm B2B Combine are available in our sixth-annual PDF report, or you can find the best solution for your company’s specific eCommerce needs with our interactive Paradigm B2B eCombine.
Introducing the Interactive Paradigm B2B eCombine
We designed the interactive Paradigm B2B eCombine to quickly match you with the best eCommerce platform solutions to fit your company’s specific needs. We do so based on how you rank the importance of up to 28 criteria across 12 categories (e.g. Total Cost of Ownership, Ability to Execute, Promotions Management, Site Search), along with details about your business. We can also help you meet peers who are evaluating platform vendors.

The Complete 2024 Paradigm B2B Combine
In the our sixth-annual PDF report, B2B eCommerce expert Andy Hoar conducts an objective and independent evaluation of the leading B2B eCommerce platforms. His Paradigm B2B Combine process rejects oversimplified “winner-take-all” 2×2 box approaches in favor of a unique methodology that awards gold, silver, and bronze medals for special achievement based on 35 criteria across 12 distinct categories.

The Leading Vendors Ranked in the 2024 Paradigm B2B Combine
Paradigm B2B selects vendors to evaluate based on their reputation among B2B buyers and the frequency within which their solutions appear in representative B2B eCommerce consideration sets. Paradigm B2B’s invitation process is a pure “no pay for play” process—no vendors can pay for admission to or placement within the Combine. The Midmarket and Enterprise reports are designed for B2B technology buyers working at companies with $50-$500M and $500M+ in total annual revenue respectively.
A look inside the Paradigm B2B Combine
Midmarket Edition
Complete rankings for 13 leading Midmarket B2B platform vendors (48 pages)
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